PCOS/PCOD Do’s and Don’ts



  • Exercise Regularly: Incorporate simple activities like walking or weightlifting into your routine to enhance metabolism and insulin regulation.

  • Prioritize Sleep: Ensure a full night's sleep to maintain hormone balance and prevent unhealthy eating habits caused by sleep deprivation.

  • Adhere to Medication: Follow the prescribed medication schedule meticulously to maintain the effectiveness of treatment.

  • Monitor Menstrual Cycles: Keep track of periods to detect irregularities early, aiding better management of potential complications.

  • Maintain Healthy Weight: Control obesity issues by exercising regularly and following a balanced, nutritious diet.


  • Avoid Smoking and Drinking: Quit these habits as they can exacerbate PCOD symptoms and increase susceptibility to other health issues.

  • Don't Skip Meals: A balanced diet is essential for managing PCOD effectively. Avoid skipping meals and focus on healthy, organic foods.

  • Limit High Sugar Foods: Reduce processed food intake to regulate insulin resistance and prevent diabetes-related complications.

  • Keep Doctor's Appointments: Regularly visit your doctor for monitoring and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

  • Address Depression Symptoms: Recognize signs of depression and report them promptly to your doctor. Seek help if experiencing prolonged sadness or notable changes in eating or sleeping habits.

PCOS/PCOD can be challenging, but a disciplined approach to treatment and adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly ease its impact and prevent complications.


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